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Factory Automation


FASTech Integration Inc

CELLworks is a software-enabling platform for manufacturers who wish toachieve efficiency and flexibility within manufacturing workcells.CELLworks has a complete environment for developing cell controlfunctions. CELLworks components, known as servers, communicate withdevice-level controllers and operators at the process level, or theservers can interact with shop floor applications and the MRP system atthe plant level.CELLworks was designed with three basic principles in mind. It enablesmanufacturing engineers to design and build a powerful and reliable cellcontrol system with minimal dependence on software engineers. It operateson multiple hardware platforms and operating systems to give customersthe utmost freedom to design a system that has the cost, performance, andintegration characteristics required. Finally, it uses an openarchitecture letting the customers get inside the system and buildspecial modules, as needed.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: Windowing system, software development system
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

FASTech Integration Inc
Lincoln North 55 Old Bedford Rd
Lincoln, MA 01773
Phone: (617) 259-3131
        (800) 380-3278
Fax: (617) 259-3188